Simple integrated account services
“e-Age Banking” Account provides you banking services for your daily financial needs, including:
- HKD/RMB/foreign currencies savings
- HKD/RMB/USD current deposits
- Time deposits
- Investments
A unique consolidated statement presents a clear overview of personal financial situation.
Convenient and diversified transaction channels
- No matter where you are, our Internet Banking and Phone Banking provide you round-the-clock services, including:
- Apply for various general banking services: set up time deposits, foreign currencies trading, fund transfer, purchase of Cashier's Order or Demand Draft and etc.
- Bill payment
- Enquiry for account status, interest rate, exchange rate and etc.
- With our free “Roaming Service”*, you can manage your account with ICBC (Asia) and ICBC with ease, no matter you are in Hong Kong or the Mainland China.
- Dial 95588 and then press 8 in the Mainland China
- Dial 218 95588 and then press 8 in Hong Kong
- With comprehensive ATMs coverage of the Bank and JETCO, you can enjoy 24-hour ATM service by your ICBC debit card. No fee will be charged for cash withdrawal at ICBC ATM machine on the Mainland China.
Exclusive service privileges
- Fund Sweeping Services – Based on the pre-set criteria of fund sweeping, we will execute your instructions once the criteria are met to save your time.
- Automatic Sweeping Services – If your HKD or USD Current Account is overdrawn or the line of credit is exceeded, we will automatically transfer the required funds^ from the HKD/ USD Savings Account under the same integrated account to the Current Account on the next business day. Daily maximum amount of automatic sweeping services is HK$10,000 or US$1,000.
- No-Bounce Cheque / Auto-pay Protection –If you maintain equal to HK$100,000 or above daily average total liquid assets (TLA) of the previous 3 months, we provide you overdraft protection up to HK$5,000 to prevent bounced cheque and auto-pay transaction.
* Only applicable for ICBC (Asia) customers.
^ Have to pay for relevant interest
An array of fabulous offers*
*Enjoy below fabulous offers for “e-Age Banking” Account by maintaining daily average TLA+ of HK$100,000 or above for the previous 3 months! The offers are subject to the Terms and Conditions below.
Conduct investment transaction or other general banking services through automated channels |
Securities subscription fee: 0.1% securities commission rate for transaction amount equal to HK$1 million or above; 0.138% securities commission rate for transaction amount less than HK$1 million(minimum payment of HK$88)
400 free real time quote per month
Lump-sum or monthly savings plan for unit trusts
Subscription fee as low as 1%
Issuance of cashier’s order or demand draft
Exclusive discount of HK$64 per transaction
General Banking Services |
HKD savings
HKD Saving Account will be entitled to a bonus rate of 0.01% p.a. if account balance reaches HKD100,000 or above
+TLA refers to the total of your deposits and the market value of investments in all your single and joint names(s) accounts at our Bank.
Terms and Conditions:
- Bonus HKD savings interest rate is only applicable for HKD savings account of e-Age Banking.
- The above privileges cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers.
- ICBC (Asia) reserves the right to vary the offers and/or these Terms and Conditions, or to cancel the offers at its absolute discretion at any time without prior notice.
- In case of dispute, the decision of ICBC (Asia) shall be final and conclusive.
- In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall apply and prevail.
Please act now to join “e-Age Banking” to enjoy the personal banking services!
*The offers are subject to the Terms and Conditions below.
Click here for valid documents required for account opening.
Descriptive Information for e-Age Banking Account
Terms and Conditions:
- ICBC (Asia) reserves the right to vary the offers and/or these Terms and Conditions, or to cancel the offers at its absolute discretion at any time without prior notice.
- In case of dispute, the decision of ICBC (Asia) shall be final and conclusive.
- In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall apply and prevail.
- Any person or entity that is not a party to these Terms and Condition shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623) to enforce any part of these Terms and Conditions.
- Deposits in Current Account and Savings Account and Time Deposits NOT exceeding a term of five years of Elite Club Account / e-Age Banking Account / Integrated Account are deposits qualified for protection by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.
Risk Disclosure:
RMB Products The Chinese Renminbi is currently a restricted currency. Due to the exchange controls and/or restrictions which may be imposed by the PRC government on the convertibility or utilization of RMB from time to time, there is no guarantee that disruption in the transferability, convertibility or liquidity of RMB will not occur. There is thus a likelihood that you may not be able to convert the Chinese Renminbi received into other freely convertible currencies.
Securities and Funds Investment in securities and funds involves risk and the prices may move up or down and may become valueless. It is as likely that loss will be incurred rather than profit made as result of buying and selling securities and funds. When invest in investment funds denominated in non-local currencies, please be aware of the risk of exchange rate fluctuations that may cause a loss of principal. Past performance of any investment fund is no guide to its future performance. Investors should understand that subscription of non-local registered funds, its administrative and benefits may not be subject to local jurisdiction and you should bear the respective risks.
Important Notice The above risk disclosure statements cannot disclose all the risks involved. Before making investment decision, you should thoroughly study the offering documents, financial reports and relevant risk disclosure statements issued by the issuer of the investment product(s). Further you should consider your own circumstances including financial position, investment experience and objective to ensure the investment is suitable for your particular investment needs and risk tolerance capacity. You should seek independent financial and professional advice before trading or investment. This website does not constitute and offer for the purchase or sales of any investment products. The above information is issued by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited. The contents of this website have not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.
Disclosure for Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme In respect an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with customer, however, any dispute over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved between directly the third party service provider and the customer.
